The Miss Unimpossible Files

What does a woman wear when war is being waged against her? Are heels ok?

Archive for November, 2009

NYC Bloomberg SWAT Declares: “You are a non entity! You’re not going to get a lawyer! No one can help you now!”

Posted by missunimpossible on Sunday, November 29, 2009

Well, it certainly helps to know what all the intense human and civil rights violating surveillance and “gangstalking”  hubbub has been about all these many years.  Apparently some facet of my own government has declared me a “non entity!”  Talk about CHILLINGLY GEORGE ORWELL!  I had never even heard the term (bet many of you haven’t Either!) before The NYPD SWAT team stormed my residence on the late evening of October 23 through the morning of October 24, 2008. More on this later today or in a day or so.  So far the only traditional “normal” use of the term I can think of references business incorporations and de-incorporations.  To wit: An “entity” is formed.  I can find no reference of it to Humans. As humans are “beings,” inherently sovereign and are not quite “entities,” in the sense of- something formed into being and then being so ordained an “entity” by a court of law.  All human beings are inherently “Natural beings,” and beings are “Natural entities.”  Hence Descartes brilliant: Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am‘.  No government “declares” you an entity.  You are here, breathing and taking up space, and thinking. You exist, and Are.”  It is the I AM factor, which no human being, mighty or low- can ever take from you. It is from the Universal One, the Great Creator, the Great Spirit;  whatever God/Goddess/ or Faith you observe.  The life given you has The photo collage  speaks about the harassment and stalking campaign I have  endured.its own law which follows that of the Most High. While your faith or and spirituality will help you humbly remember this in their set of “laws” as guidance upon the path; the path of piety, humility, Love, Faith, appreciation, Joy, benevolence, humanity, compassion, kindness, charity, courage,  justice, reverence for life, selflessness and more; man’s Governing “legal” laws have no bearing in that realm.  No government body or strong human force can separate you from your Creator or your “being-

ness,”  or declare you “unworthy” of the Creator’s Love and protection with the heel of a boot, the bash of a bat, the bang of a gavel or a gun. That grace, that omnipotent connection can only be connived out of you if you yourself put only cash where your heart ought to be, and cold  shriveled blind ego where the mind should ever expand to allow in even a sliver of the Light of the Universe and the best illumination of others, thereby drawing in the best your full positive karma potential and touching the lives of other around you with serenity and quiet appreciation.

What man’s laws and governments can do is abuse their power by using those laws to oppress citizens.  All contortions of what are benign laws, or the outward drafting of oppressive laws.  So- I’m still trying to get a grip on what the term non entity fully means.  One thing is for sure, it’ seems a newfangled term for the same oppression, non humanity, hatred , vilification, and bizarre  projections and stereotypes leveraged upon those called “slaves” in America’s not too far past.  While the “non entity” may not be forced to hard grueling uncompensated work all the live-long day; they are “imprisoned” in a 24/7  365 day a year camp of warfare waged largely  using psychological assaults  along with real offences.  Offences such as: incessant and often synchronized harassing calls, and emails, real-time stalking and surveillance whether on-line, outdoors, or making a phone call; invasion of privacy; hacking and destruction of computers when online; unlawful attempts of  character assassination, defamation, criminalization, vilification, marginalization, “blacklisting,”  and  discrediting; collusion and conspiracy to harass, intimidate, and harm.

Actually in some ways the gangstalked “non entity” is in a more oppressed circumstance because “Gangstalking” ( probably better called  “government mobbing and harassment” ) creates hypocrites, bullies, sadists, cowards, degradation and dishonor. It goes “unacknowledged” yet is enacted in broad daylight.  It is not even a “secret” open or otherwise!  It’s just plain done right out in the open. I’d imagine people participate because they get a paltry or hefty check each month, or because they’ve been intimidated, while others, I imagine are more than happy to part with any semblance of their own humanity and actually “get off” harming others because their own their own inner pain, lack of “love awareness”  and poor esteem.  Little do they seem to know that karma packs an ugly  wallop.  The natural human biological, social  male urges to protect children and women, have been re-wired so that helpless children and women are seen as monsters who need “punishment” and more.  Women and children have to scurry to seek shelter, or buff up and gear for the battle!  Forget the Knight in shining armour shit!  I’m not quite sure what men are protecting these days, but it sure ain’t women and children.  And that is what a county is!  It is made up of the People.  The Women, children and men. Not boardrooms.   For those  who want to interject that it’s about race, yes and no. Yes that African Americans will probably experience such oppressions disproportionately; or in a different manner; but truth-be-told, across the board working class and middle class women and children are seriously hurting in this country and there are no honorable, compassionate, courageous Sir Lancelot’s, Dr. King’s,  Mifunes’, Mandelas’, Clint Eastwoods’, Serpicos’ or Supermans’ to save them.  He’s got the armer, and you’ve got and your wits (not sure our tits can do much good here, ladies.)  And probably to the same degree, the natural urge of a woman to instinctively nurture or protect a child, another human being or even a helpless animal, has been re-wired so that far too many teens and children feel unloved and turn to drugs and sometimes violence as a means of escape.  Far too many in need of mercy,particularly the elders, the oppressed,  or the disabled; are treated  with stony and cruel indifference and inhumanity.

It’s not as if we can’t see the general direction the ship is headed. Rather, can we veer it back on a proper course before the iceberg glints?

The photo collage  speaks about the harassment and stalking campaign I have endured.  You will notice that two of the phone calls allude to “Baker,” and “The Farm,” both come days after I mailed a similar poster collage to friends on Halloween, Oct 31, 2009. All of which arrived at their destination late. One of which never made it at all because the US Post office “misdelivered” the first class, certified poster, to a stranger, who they then allowed to sign for the certified mailing and keep it.  Never alerting the intended recipient that they had received mail.  A week later, they claim they don’t know what happened to it- maybe they didn’t misdeliver it, they don’t remember. Don’t believe it? CA_100_552_ (left off the last three digits) is the complaint number with the Postal Inspector now. The postal receipt shown was stamped by the Postal clerk for the following day!  It was Dec 12, 2008, she stamped it December 13, 2008!  I asked why she had done it, and she said something about the station would be closing in an hour or two.  Later. as I thought, when I contacted customer service there was no legitimate reason why it should have been stamped for the following day.  I had never before mailed from that post office, just as I has never before stood for the bus at those two various bus stops before.  And just as nearly ALL purchases made by me via mail arrive in freakish conditions and have  the same or similar  “signature” defacements, and often merchants will display bizarre, delays, denials or difficulties with the transaction, not to mention calls interrupted, dropped, “hung up,” disconnected, on particular calls,  all this is evidence of real-time surveillance, stalking, invasion of privacy and blacklisting. How does one logically explain all of this? It’s certainly not ESP. Yet it continues unabated and unashamed.

To get back to the photo collage- two of the phone calls allude to the threat “gangcampaigns” incessantly use on their victims, particularly women (because it play into stereotypes of “hysteria,” and harkens back the “good old days” when a woman could be institutionalized or strapped to her bed for a week, or persecuted as a “possesed Witch” for having what we now know of as “PMS.”); and that’s the “Crazy Bitch,” theme.  Unfortunately for them,  as you can see- my camera doesn’t need “medication” or therapy and neither do I.  However, if  FDNY ambulances or firetrucks/NYPD “anti-terror caravans” / other ambulances, Acess-a-rides and UPS up your a&% (day and night and at every meeting point due to apparently surveiled phones), and battered, cut up, defaced delivery parcels, isn’t enough to break you down or stop you from asserting your human and civil rights; then maybe the threat of being institutionalized will. The entire fear many gangstalked victims have is that “no one will believe me.”  The open air, light of day, brazen insults and assaults on your right to privacy, rights to services (often delayed or denied or defaced or devalued); right to live in peace- all of it is stripped from the person. It works because like a woman battered by the respected town patron whom none would suspect and all might protect, the gangstalked person worries about being believed.  The behavior is so absurd, so brazen and so utterly disrespectful (of themselves) as well as the victim; that who would believe it but those participating and aware? (They feign ignorance to the extend possible.)  Which is exactly why a SWAT team ended up at my home. To “baker-ize” me, as some say, into guinea pig like quiet submission to the continued violation of my human rights.   Once you are taken “to the hospital,” and held for any length of time, however corrupt and false (can you say “political prisoner”, ladies and gents?) Why then EVERYONE will write you off as a lunatic, it gives a slimy slippery  excuse for reporters, lawyers and organizations to turn the other way and the campaign will swing into an all-time high gear just as soon as you’re “released.”  If you commit a crime- no problem, plenty of attorneys to help out.  But once you’re on “The farm..” you are instantly treated like a “vegetable.” Nothing but orders are given. You speak , requesting a lawyer or an advocate and people nod but none arrives. Your rights are abrogated entirely.

The calls are from various years past and also this year. The “baker” phone call clearly alludes to “The Baker Act,” and “The[funny] Farm..” speaks for itself. Notice “woeful research,”  “war dart,” (isn’t that loaded!)  “auto warrant y,” (mull that one around for a moment.)  “Fun Ho,”  (loaded women bashing theme), “alternative ‘wreck’,” “alternative ‘rest’,” “Karp a run,” (there is a “running for your life” theme in the harassment wherein a woman or a man in regular professional or everyday attire will go running by in a frenzy a (which ranges in intensity) though there’s no cab or bus to catch and no apparent logic to it. Often they will try to clip just in front of the Gangstalked persons path.),and the other caller’s names. “NBA Entertainment,” (yep, its genuine! Not a spoof.) goes with the “bouncing basketball” theme. A youth shows up from out of nowhere with a basketball (or any ball about that size) and despite the lack of a basketball court or park, or the fact that I’ve never met a teen who wanted to bounce a basket  ball down a full city block  or two in my life, the youth follows beside or behind me for a block or more, bouncing it. This “‘basket-case’ entertainment” theme seems to be a fav to use on women, and again hints that the campaigns are fully aware of the stress, strain and harassment they exert on victims. It also alludes back to the “no one will believe you, crazy bitch” theme. As you can see, to reinforce the threat, such threats are often punctuated by a call from a hospital (Maimonides is particularly persistent about calling, although I have no business with them whatsoever or HIP NY Health insurance (they tend to enjoy calling my cellphone.)  Since 95% of my calls come in as “unavailable,” (no caller’s name, just “unavailable”) a statement is being made about the ones that “miraculously” do show up come on my unlisted number from folks I do not know.  Check out the “Hawkins” call!  This is what Wikipedia has to say about the young African American Mr. Hawkins. The following is attributed to Wikipedia, I’ve reworded New York City borough, to Brooklyn, NY

Yusef Hawkins (also spelled as Yusuf Hawkins) was a 16-year-old African American youth who was shot to death on August 23, 1989 in Bensinhurst a heavily Italian American working-class neighborhood in the Brooklyn, NY.  Hawkins and three friends were attacked by a crowd of 10 to 30 white youths, with at least seven of them wielding baseball bats. One, armed with a handgun, shot Hawkins twice in the chest, killing him.[1][

Speaking of Yusef’s story, interestingly enough, one of the street signs you see twisted in the collage, had a pizza box tied to the bottom of it. The tape that held it there and the “white paint” is still thee. I’ve got the pics.  In addition, after I took the pics of the large tree with two white “beds” wrapped in tape ; (which is on MTA property and they left it like that to “seep in” (in case gangstalked African Americans were slow on picking up the BIG hint)  for several days until prompted to do something about it); someone placed a pizza box under the tree.  I’ll put the pics up as soon as I find em.  Either the tree God insists on a thick crust- Yummie! (course I’m a vegetarian- make my own raw pizza) or someone wants you all to know what the MTA is allowing on their property.

HawkinsLLP wasn’t calling to represent me. Trust that. Which leads us to, why did they call? Who told them to do it?  Why?

I could give a fig about the bizarre twisting of the signs, red danger tape on the fence or the door in the middle of the sidewalk, but for my sake as well as hundred or thousands of other “victims,” I DO care that the WORLD sees it. There is no denying that these are hard undiluted truths,not delusions of victimization and paranoia.

I am seeking the legal representation I so far have been so far denied in my own country.  In the meantime, I will try to post offences here as and when they occur, it’s all I can do to exercise my right to exercise my freedom of speech and to protect my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Over 6 years of silence and discretion just hasn’t worked.

Just to state here that there was no crime. no drugs, no assaults, no call for help, no warrant clarified, no rights read, no arrest, no mental health issue,  and no reason for the NYC SWAT team to have been dispatched to my residence. There was a stand-off for over 9 hours as I refused to open my door since they refused to identify themselves or to clarify whether they had any warrant, of why they were at my home.  I said I was awaiting a lawyer, and that is when the team leader said,”You are a non entity! You’re not going to get a lawyer! No one can help you now!”  And thus far- the lawyer part rings true.  Apparently being labeled a”Non Entity”  by City government (and perhaps higher) means that you are subjected lower than a criminal or a human being. You have no rights that anyone need respect hence the field day with the harassment and stalking. No one need worry because you’ve been barred from receiving legal services. They sawed through my front door and rammed and banged on it all night long, shouting for me to “Come out!”

A complaint has been filed with the city, but it’s been over a year and I have not been able to find an attorney although I would be guaranteed one if I had been accused of a crime rather than falsely imprisoned in a city hospital.

More soon.

PS By the way folks, how much do you think taxpayers pay the professional street sign benders to help frighten and disturb fellow Americans?!  🙂

No one can get away with terrorizing an American woman in her own county and not be brought to justice or at least out into the light of day for it. They must be kidding! I mentioned a song I used to like but now on second thought, I dislike the part that talks about “war.”  So, Forget I mentioned it.   I always affirm and nurture life. Anyway,  in the past I’ve marched for universal peace and human rights.  I’ve suffered terribly over the years, I cannot get a normal order by mail, they are all battered and defaced by the time I receive them; often it seems to the companies themselves, and/or couriers themselves.

Rosa Parks said NO! to the back of the bus, and believe it of not I can’t get on one at all!  No Joke! please check out these two complaints with the MTA of NYC :

975_ _ left out the last 2 digits, and 243_ _ left off last two digits.  Two separate  incidents  (2 different days) where  NYC  Manhattan buses which refused to stop at the bus stop I was standing at! Freaky and frightening. One that same day, the subway came to a halt inside the tunnel for a while. Nothing seemed to happen for  a good 5 minutes or so, then the train lurched into W4th street on the wrong track.  The F train was on the D track and would be running as a D. When asked, I was told there was a “switching” problem (my phone company has had such a problem with my phone service since I started it with them over a decade ago. You’re looking at it. Check out the odd comma looking symbol inserted into certain caller’s names. It must be pre-programmed by Verizon into “the switch” that way “before” it hits my phone!  You won’t see those symbols coming up on your phone like that.  ). When I cross to the opposite platform where another waiting F train (on the proper track) has arrived, the conductor there states that this F train may be running a an “A” train.  We are held for a long while, and finally he announces it will be running “Normal.”   This case number is 243_ _  left out last 2 digits.

No American should remain silent. I am a beautiful human being and woman, I don’t want to know about your corruption and hatred and perversions. And I won’t allow anyone to snatch away the gains so many African Americans and others gave their lives for.  This is  shameful and embarrassing for ALL Americans. Let the light shine in on this abuse and travesty of justice!  Anyone wanting to lend a positive helping hand, please  contact this blog.  This is not my personal issue, it is a societal issue.  When law abiding citizens are treated like arch criminals and are persecuted in their own home and country- that’s everybody’s concern. Everyone with a consience and a healthy sense of preservation of their own constitutional rights.

By the way, those who go past my home sitting on your horns- I’ll post yer toots soon enough, 🙂

Posted in civil rights, Gangcampaigns, harassment, human rights, Non Entity, stalking, terrorism | Leave a Comment »