The Miss Unimpossible Files

What does a woman wear when war is being waged against her? Are heels ok?

Archive for January, 2009

A picture’s worth ..

Posted by missunimpossible on Thursday, January 15, 2009

Haven’t the time to give the scoop today. However, here are some pics to ponder.

weird, frightening, non-stop and true

weird, frightening, non-stop and true

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This year will be different

Posted by missunimpossible on Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I really do SO solemnly swear to blog more often. And so, no more promises or excuses, this year I will be doing my best to keep my readers up to speed on my “MissUnimpossible” experiences. Our society is ready to discuss absolutely ANYTHING on a talk show (though I admit I haven’t watched regular cable or television in ages!); we’re yet to openly discuss the fact that citizens, for whatever bizarre, reason, ( but quite likely governmental since the harassment seems quite snuggly systemic and all kinds of human rights and other laws are being flouted and the very “reputable”companies and gov’t agencies who are lawfully supposed to be of assistance are themselves doing the flouting! ) are targeted for ongoing, concerted harassment, stalking, discrimination, criminalization and other “zations” and “isms.” It is kind of fascinating to witness people really go through great trouble to do something really disturbed and bizarre intended to harass or disturb you, or simply to get your attention. Fascinating because if I weren’t experiencing it, I would not believe that people could or would do such things to a person they had never met, never had an altercation with, never had a personal “beef” with. Yet I’ve discovered that people will do anything to you provided they believe they can get away with it. (Especially without their weird actions being displayed, front and center onstage where we can all speak of these acts in the light of day with the global public awareness, and weigh just how disturbing, hateful, weird, and disreputable they are. ) Since that’s what the harassment is all about, there is a real tussle simply getting any recognition by “the system” or by the company or agency about the bizarre, disturbing, extraordinary or discriminatory event. And as soon as, or even before you’ve fought for hours or days or months to have the event recognized and if not addressed, at least logged on all sides, you’ll be hit with another. Real soon. Scouts honor. The disturbing phone calls to your unlisted cell or home phone, or the vehicles that arrive when you arrive and leave when you leave your destination, or the items you ordered sent to you slashed, kicked in, wrinkled year after year, or having retail and restaurants descend upon you with an employee with a broom. It kind of shows a really perverse, sick side of our society. I intend to give a blow-by-blow daily account of what I’ve been enduring now for several years. Hopefully, it will enable others to come forward, it’s important for all people to understand how people are being terrorized, stalked, harassed, “persecuted,” and discriminated against right out in the light of day with all of their neighbors, and even a few politicians, completely aware and okay with that. That’s just plain-down ugly and quite frankly, un-American. It’s really unsightly. And we need to talk about it. If I’m living it, I’ll make sure that we all take a good look at this subject. I mean, I’m an American “civil-rights” kinda gal, I ‘m not built to take &*^#$ and leave. In fact, I don’t take *&$%. Never have. Never will. And no human being should have to. No human being should be subjected to stalking by “reputable” agency employees or vehicles (especially with a literal hearse in the caravan!), or subjected to calls about needing “health” or ” dismemberment” insurance, no human being should be subjected to what I’ve been subjected to for many years by “respectable” companies and agencies- and whomever or whatever rogue agency that seemingly intercepts all my dealings. Just what am I talking about? Tomorrow, baby. Stay tuned.

Homework! For starters:

1. check out the meaning of the word “terrorism” or to “terrorize.” Here, I’ve done the leg-work for you. Check it out and see if I’m being “overboard” in its use.

2. Check out the meaning of the word, “persecuted.” The below definition is from: per?se?cute to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, esp. because of religion, race, or beliefs; harass persistently. 2. to annoy or trouble persistently.

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